Car Driver Jobs in Tokyo- Latest Jobs Driver Jobs in Japan 2023

Car Driver Jobs in Tokyo is one of the busiest cities in the world, with a population of over 13 million people. As a result, transportation is a major concern for its residents, and the demand for car drivers is on the rise. In this article, we will explore the opportunities and requirements for car driver jobs in Tokyo.

In conclusion, Car Driver Jobs in Tokyo are a great opportunity for those with a valid Japanese driver’s license and a clean driving record. There are various types of car driver jobs available, including taxi driver, chauffeur, and delivery driver. To be successful in these jobs, you must meet certain requirements such as language skills and physical fitness.

Recruitment of Car Driver Jobs in Tokyo:

Sure, here is a list of recruitment agencies and online job boards that specialize in Car Driver Jobs in Tokyo:

  1. Tokyo Employment Service Center for Foreigners
  2. JAC Recruitment
  3. Adecco Japan
  4. Pasona Group
  5. Career Cross Japan
  6. Daijob
  7. GaijinPot Jobs
  8. Tokyo Connections
  9. Jobs in Japan
  10. Indeed Japan

These recruitment agencies and job boards often have listings for various types of Car Driver Jobs in Tokyo, including taxi driver, chauffeur, and delivery driver positions. You can browse through their listings to find job openings that match your skills and qualifications.

Additionally, many of these agencies offer support and guidance throughout the recruitment process, which can be helpful if you are new to job searching in Japan.

Car Driver Jobs in Tokyo

Benefits and Salary of Car Driver Jobs in Tokyo:

Sure, here is a list of some of the benefits and salaries that may be offered for Car Driver Jobs in Tokyo:


  1. Health insurance
  2. Paid vacation
  3. Retirement plans
  4. Bonuses for good performance
  5. Training and development opportunities
  6. Flexible schedules
  7. Company vehicles


  1. Taxi driver: average salary of ¥2,878,515 per year (according to Payscale)
  2. Chauffeur: average salary of ¥3,000,000 per year (according to Payscale)
  3. Delivery driver: salaries can range from ¥2,500,000 to ¥3,000,000 per year, depending on the company

It’s important to note that salaries and benefits can vary depending on the type of job, the company, and your experience and qualifications. Additionally, some companies may offer additional benefits beyond those listed above,

so it’s always a good idea to research specific companies and job listings to learn more about the specific benefits and salaries offered.

Tips for Success as a Car Driver in Tokyo:

In this section, we will provide tips for success as a car driver in Tokyo. This includes:

Familiarize Yourself with the City:

Familiarize Yourself with the City To be a successful car driver in Tokyo, you must be familiar with the city’s streets and traffic patterns. Spend some time studying maps and getting to know the different neighborhoods.

Maintain a Clean and Safe Vehicle:

As a car driver, your vehicle is your most important tool. Keep it clean and well-maintained, and make sure to follow all safety regulations.

Be Professional and Courteous:

As a car driver, you are often the face of your company. Be professional and courteous to all clients and customers, and make sure to dress appropriately for the job.

How to apply for Car Driver Jobs in Tokyo?

If you’re interested in applying for Car Driver Jobs in Tokyo, here are some steps you can follow:

  1. Make sure you meet the qualifications: Before applying for any job, make sure you meet the qualifications required. For car driver jobs in Tokyo, this often includes having a valid Japanese driver’s license, a clean driving record, and language skills (particularly Japanese and/or English).
  2. Research companies and job openings: There are various types of car driver jobs available in Tokyo, including taxi driver, chauffeur, and delivery driver positions. Research companies and job openings to find positions that match your skills and interests.
  3. Prepare your resume and cover letter: Once you’ve found job openings that you’re interested in, prepare your resume and cover letter. Make sure to highlight your relevant experience and qualifications, and tailor your application to the specific job and company.
  4. Apply directly to companies or through recruitment agencies/job boards: You can apply directly to taxi companies or other employers that are hiring car drivers, or you can apply through recruitment agencies or online job boards. Submit your application through the company’s website or the recruitment agency/job board’s portal.
  5. Prepare for interviews: If you’re selected for an interview, make sure to prepare by researching the company and practicing common interview questions. Dress professionally and be on time for the interview.
  6. Follow up: After your interview, send a thank you email or letter to the interviewer(s). If you don’t hear back within a week or two, you can follow up with a polite email or phone call to inquire about the status of your application.

By following these steps, you can increase your chances of finding and landing car driver jobs in Tokyo that are a good fit for your skills and qualifications.


What types of car driver jobs are available in Tokyo?

Car driver jobs in Tokyo can include positions such as taxi drivers, chauffeurs, delivery drivers, and truck drivers, among others.

Can foreigners work as car drivers in Tokyo?

It is possible for foreigners to work as car drivers in Tokyo, but eligibility may depend on your visa status and the specific requirements of the job. Some jobs may require permanent residency or specific work permits.

What is the average income for car drivers in Tokyo?

The income for car drivers in Tokyo can vary widely depending on factors such as the type of driver job, experience, and employer. Taxi drivers may earn income based on fares and tips.

Are there any benefits provided with car driver jobs in Tokyo?

Benefits can vary by employer but may include health insurance, transportation allowances, and, in some cases, accommodation.

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Muhammad Taimoor
Muhammad Taimoor

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