University Sorbonne Paris Nord Scholarship 2023: Our Path to New Success

University Sorbonne Paris Nord ScholarshipApplications are welcomed for the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord Grants 20243. The EUR M&CS is a world-class five-year training program. In addition, references are made to the three local master’s programs

University Sorbonne Paris Nord Scholarship in innovation in images and networks, computer science, engineering, and mathematics. The Galilee Doctoral School serves as its model. This Program is actively supported by the LAGA mathematics, LIPN computer science,

University Sorbonne Paris Nord Scholarship and L2TI labs at the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, all of which focus on the analysis and processing of visual information and networks. Therefore, recipients of the M&CS Graduate school scholarships

University Sorbonne Paris Nord Scholarship will be able to study at the master’s or doctoral level within the Galilee Institute at the Sorbonne Paris Nord University.

The French educating and research foundation Université Sorbonne Paris Nord was laid out in 1971 and is arranged in the district north of Paris. The five campuses of the university are spread out across the departments of Seine-Saint-Denis and Val d’Oise.

Law, health, medicine, human biology, literature, political and social sciences, languages, communication sciences, economics and management, among other human sciences and societies fields, It accepts over 25,000 students to begin or continue their education.

University Sorbonne Paris Nord Scholarship Remember to take a gander at the rundown of the best grants that anyone could hope to find to worldwide understudies in France.

University Sorbonne Paris Nord Scholarship

Details about University Sorbonne Paris Nord Scholarship

  • Host Institution: Université Sorbonne Paris Nord in France.
  • Fields of study: EUR disciplines.
  • Number of Scholarships: Not specified.
  • Duration: Normal duration of the candidate’s program.
  • Target group: Open to all nationalities.

Scholarships Benefits

All Sorbonne Paris Nord College enrollees pay a similar enlistment costs (a sum of €243 each year + €91 for understudy life participation). A three-year doctoral agreement will give subsidizing to PhD understudies working in an EUR lab.

The best master’s candidates will be awarded a scholarship with the following benefits:

  • For M1 understudies north of a year time span and for M2 understudies more than a 10-month term, there is a grant worth €600 each month.
  • Students from other parts of the Ile de France will receive an additional allowance of 400 euros per month, or 1,000 euros per month. Besides, candidates will acquire from a One travel recompense for an unfamiliar mission (in M2)
  • Coaching program: a single individual for the entire curriculum, individualized instruction, and interactions with industry Promoting international academic collaborations through gatherings and events One annual round-trip flight from Paris to the house (for foreign students only) in a housing complex (CROUS – foreign students only).

Eligibility Criteria

If a student applies for a master’s program with a bachelor’s degree or can graduate prior to the start of the program, or if they apply for a PhD program with a master’s degree, they are eligible to apply for this scholarship program in Europe.

Additionally, candidates must be prepared to finish the EUR course requirements:

  • pick math, software engineering, visual registering, and network as both a significant and a minor
  • 60% of classes should be in the major, and 40% should be in the minor while picking expert’s level coursework, including temporary positions.
  • participating in M&CS activities that serve overseas on at least one occasion

How to Apply

To submit an application for this scholarship program, eligible applicants should follow the steps listed below.

Application Deadline

May 2024 is the application deadline. learn more about the University Sorbonne Paris Nord Scholarships.


Muhammad Taimoor
Muhammad Taimoor

I'm Muhammad Taimoor a passionate content writer dedicated to keeping you informed about the latest scholarships. With a knack for crafting engaging and informative content, I strive to make the scholarship application process easier for students. My goal is to empower aspiring scholars by providing valuable insights, tips, and updates on various scholarship opportunities. Join me on this journey of educational exploration, and let's navigate the world of scholarships together. Your success is my inspiration!"

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