Study Tips

Study tips for students who are easily distracted

Study tips for students who are easily distracted

Study tips for students who are easily distracted School can be overpowering while you’re attempting to keep up with your grades, work a temporary work, or potentially balance connections. Push notifications, text messages, and phone calls distract the majority of us. Professor emeritus at California State University, Dominguez Hills, Dr. Larry Rosen, found that “the…

Today Study tips for students with ADHD

Today Study tips for students with ADHD

Study tips for students with ADHD Learn quicker. Keep more. Perform better on tests. Yes, indeed. Teens with ADHD can do better on exams without working all night with these study-based strategies. Especially when it comes to cramming for tests, studying with ADHD can be intimidating. Fortunately, new research indicates that students do not need…